Exhibition of sculptures
14 May – 10 September 2023
The Maison Louis Carré invites the Franco-Brazilian sculptor and painter Jaildo Marinho to present a selection of works in dialogue with the architecture and furniture of Alvar Aalto. All the rooms are occupied, from the guest room frequented by Marcel Duchamp, to the living room which once housed the paintings of Fernand Léger or the sculptures of Alexandre Calder, to the garden. Jaildo Marinho installs twenty-seven refined and thoughtful works that interact with the architectural space and the furniture that surrounds them, and above all with the delicate humanism claimed by Alvar Aalto.
This parallelism in harmony continues in the materials: the thousand-year-old marbles, partially colored and polished by Jaildo Marinho, reflect the space, the volumes and the materials of the house. Jaildo Marinho abolishes the border between the work and its environment, creating a superior unity giving the perception that architecture is sculpture and that sculpture is architecture.
Mario Choueiry, Curator of the exhibition
Image: Jaildo Marinho, Goias, 2013, private collection. Photo © Xavier Forcioli, 2023
Frontpage: Jaildo Marinho, S. Stela, 2022, collection of the artist. Photo © Xavier Forcioli, 2023
Photos : © Xavier Forcioli, 2023 / Adagp, Paris, 2023